sobota, 25 maja 2013

Rainy, but fine :)

It rained all night, so I have a little lake near my house now.
It looked so tempting... I wanted to jump into the water. XD

poniedziałek, 20 maja 2013

Scary o.O

Back from my country house!
The sun nearly killed me today (I must've looked comletely wasted or something, cause I felt too sick to sit straight in the bus), but it may be also cause I've slept really short today.
My neighbour scared me yesterday T.T
She told me about the I World War times.
There were some serious fights near the place, where my country house is.

Some years ago the country people were afraid to walk into the forest.
I think there must be something.
Not some ghosts, or other strange stuff, but something, that was done by the soldiers, so the villagers didn't want to talk about it.

sobota, 18 maja 2013

Museum Night

I'm staying in the Palace to take photos tonight.
I don't mind, but going somewhere else would be nice :P
The Museum Night takes place once a year, so I'll be waiting quite long the the next one. 
I hope, that there will be some interesting things in the Palace, so I could have some fun while working. XP

I'm starting with fairytales for children. I think, I'll like it :)

wtorek, 14 maja 2013


I can see an embassy through my window.
Why are so many people there?
They're waiting for a few hours right now, but don't/can't come in. -.-"

Good, that it's a warm day. The people were waiting in winter sometimes also. Even thinking about it makes me feel frozen XD

poniedziałek, 13 maja 2013

2% beer XD

Austrian Zipfer.
Who'd have ever thought, that it would be so tasty? o.O
Lime tasted, sweet... Even though I can't even hope for getting drunk with this I totally accept it as a beer XD

niedziela, 12 maja 2013

I discovered something o.O

Did you play the Pokemon game?
Ok. Who didn't... XD

If you remember the Unknowns

Check this! :)
It's a XVII, or XVIII century gazebo in a Vilanov Park in Warsaw (Poland)

Now, look closer.
Can you see them?

piątek, 10 maja 2013


Yay! I got some cash! I'm afraid it won't be enough for tomorrow though. XD
There are some artistic sales, so that mans many completely unpractical, unuseful things to buy <3
I want them all! :D

If you want to start growing your own plants, remember
I. NO lentil
II. But if you do - don't leave the seeds in water/pot for few days in a sunny place. Just don't.

Hot day

I'm planing to go and play the guitar outside.
I need some cash for tommorow, and my bank card yells " I WON'T GIVE YOU ANYTHING!!!! LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!"
I'm TRYING to be a good owner! >.<

czwartek, 9 maja 2013

More time :)

Some weather predicting guys promised me a storm a few days ago. And yesterday. And today also. The tv lies x.x

It's really this week, but no rain or anything.

I asked my father to wake me up earlier, than usually, so I could check if I'd be less sleepy, than normal. It worked :)
I don't know how. It just did, so I think, I'll be doing it more often X3
I still have much to do to prepare for the school entry exam, so longer day means more time to work :)
Geez... A few years ago I'd never say that XD

sobota, 4 maja 2013

Doing nothing not alone ;)

My cousin was there for a few days :)
We were eating in fast foods 2-3 times a day. How are we still alive? o.o

We did nothing all the time. It was great <3