czwartek, 27 czerwca 2013

I failed x.x

I'm not studying on the Art Academy this year x.x

Nevermind. I'm gonna be an archeologist XDDD

wtorek, 25 czerwca 2013

poniedziałek, 24 czerwca 2013

The moon

Beautiful! :3

Field observing :)

I'm starting a new cycle of photos.
I think I'll choose only one of these places.
I'll be going there every week, or something, so after a year I will be able to make a short film :)

It's not the most beautifull place (but I love it!), but it changes so much through the year, it will be interesting :)

To go or not to go? XD

I can go to my country house for a day today.
But it's so hot outside... And the country house is 1,5 hour from my house.
I can also go there in Saturday.
But I don't want to sit at home today! x.x

niedziela, 23 czerwca 2013

Aunt's country house

I went to my aunt's country house! I was there loooong ago last time. I rememered it quite well though :)
I took some photos.
All the houses around are quite simmilar, which was kinda strange for me at first, but then my aunt said all the neighbors are close friends, so I think, that's the cause of all the simmilarities.

I ate all the time - my aunt doesn't like wasting food, so we had to eat everything. XD
It was sooo delicious!
Breakfast just before the lunch. I love this kind of food, but have no time to preapare it, so I love family meetings XD
I like listening to the people also of course. They know great stories! Some of them are really creepy (I've heard some scary stuff about my family also, but it's the most interesting, isn't it? XD)

And now... Dumplings! :)
Sweet, with cottage cheese inside, and covered with cream, and mashed up strawberries *.*

Not too sweet yet, but tasty, and fresh :)
I love summer!!! <3

Rainy morning

I was woken up by a huge storm!
If I have to wake up it can always be like that. <3
I didn't even need a coffee :3

czwartek, 20 czerwca 2013

Early morning x.x

The last day of exams. When I'm back, I'm gonna sleep all day...^^


Omg. So hot outside.
I was going back home with my drawings and a head sculpture. It was heavy. x.x
But I did it, and I'm back! XD

środa, 19 czerwca 2013

6.00 a.m.

Not my favorite time of the day. x.x
But I have to wake up at 6 if I want to be a little less zombie-like, than normally in the morning :P
I want to pass >.<

wtorek, 4 czerwca 2013

Tired. T.T

Too much stuff today. My legs hurt. I'm not used to having lots of stuff to do. My fault - I'm probably the laziest person I know.
But it doesn't change anything. I'm gonna die if I go to work or even to the college maybe.
How can people live like that everyday?!

Some clever man said, that people can get used to anything.
It's kinda interesting. And it's true (I think so). 
I just can't imagine myself working hard day by day. It looks rather horrible for me... o.O"

poniedziałek, 3 czerwca 2013

Storm. A great one o.O

My mother promised to bring some lunch.
She get back with a huuuge, storm cloud instead. -.-"

I hear strange noises from the outside. It's because of the wind (I think), but scares me a little even though it's a daytime now. XP
The trees outside are scratching my windows.
The storm comes, and goes somewhere, just to return in a few minutes.
I can't remember things like that from my childhood. Is it possible, that the weather changed so much in about 15 years (I can remember some stuff from that time - I was 8)?
Of course, there were some storms, and stuff, but they were rather... Normal XD
Not to mention the whole winter - summer time, where the spring just forgot to come. -.-"
I didn't like spring anyways...XD