I went there to get some sleep. It's a quiet place with quiet people. Just perfect. Usually.
The first night was normal - short sleep. I had to get used to the sounds of the house etc. It's always like that.
I just thought to myself "Tomorrow I'll sleep perfectly!"
Almost. In the evening a huge storm started. I can hardly remember a simmilar one from before. x____x
The lightnings were falling from the sky every minute of that night. In ended in the morning. I had enough -.-"
next night were a bit better, but there were some electricity problems
cause by the storm, so every time they seemed to be fixed (but they
repeated in a short time), the alarm turned on, because it reacted to
the changes. Not to mention, that some dogs in the distance were barking
all the time, making me think, that something strange was going on...
Every night was just a 3-4 hours of half-sleep.
Still I was happy there. The fresh air, and the nature all around. Sleep is for the weak. XD