czwartek, 1 sierpnia 2013

Breakfast, and chillout

iceberg letuce with warm prunes, avocado and mayonese :)
+ rye bread
+strange tea with gingerbread spices (tasty! :3)
I bought the ingredients in desperation yesterday XD
There was nothing in the fridge, and I wanted to eat some vegetables (the previous days were really hot, so I don't even have need for much fat or sugar XD). Half of the salad I made was waiting till the morning, cause it was a big one :)

I went to a second hand shop to buy some t-shirts for the camp I'm going to on Sunday.
I've found a nice teddy bear there, so I just had to take it. It will be my new photo-model. :)

I should go to the Park to take some photos for the Vilanov Palace's site (like every month). I hope I will force myself to go out somehow x.x

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