piątek, 29 marca 2013

Best gamer teammate! :)

I'va just met the best player ever!
I invited him/her to join my team in Drakensang, and we were killing monsters together. Only I was on the PvP mode, so we let the players be XD
Then some bad player appeared, and killed me (after chasing me for some time) T.T
And my teammate revived me with the dark coins (kind of gold, that you can buy, or collect in the game, but it takes kinda long time) *.*
And then I was killed again by the same guy, a few seconds later, so I had to start from the town now. That sucked.
But when I was searching for my mate, I saw, that he changed to PvP mode also. *.*
Geez, that was so sweet T.T

At the end we were both killed, by someone. I tried to revive my mate, but didn't know how to do it, so I decided to leave it for now. Just a bad hunting day I think.
When we were back in the town, I said goodbye, and send the friend invitation, so I can play with him again.
I've never met such awesome one before! X3

Not to mention, I was killed by my other teammate, that I had a month ago... XD

Ok. Nevermind. I just wanted to brag about the one, that I have now, and say that he's great! :D
Yup. That's all. :)

wtorek, 26 marca 2013


My cousin will come to me during Easter! <3
I hadn't seen him for a few years T.T
Last time it was his wedding I think. Or his brother's.
Now they are both divorced, and unemployed x.x"

Messy XP

Online again. Today I'm not going anywhere :P
I've got to clean up my room.
I can walk to my bed only, cause the rest of the floor is covered by clothes, papers, and stuff. x.x"
I don't use the desk anyways, but I'm afraid, that some monsters can hide under all the mess, and I won't know it, until they attack! XD
Can someone kick me in the ass, so I'd turn off the laptop, and start doing something? X.x

poniedziałek, 25 marca 2013


It seems, that I've send the form a little too early XD
Nevermind, I don't think anyone would notice XDDD
But if I only had the SAVE/RESUME option, I wouldn't care at all...^^"

The sun is shining, and I think it's rather warm outside.
Yesterday it wasn't >.<
But I went for a walk - I was hoping to see some interesting people.

First I went to the church, cause noone took care of the Easter palm in my house :/
So I took one (the girl, who sold me the palm was kinda interesting - she spend the whole day freezing outside, and looked tired, but really happy somehow o.O).

Next I went to the church, and back to my house. I left the palm, and went to the center of the city.
I was there long ago last time even though I live about 25 minutes from the place.
Nothing special. I just had a strange feeling, that people watch me a little too much.
Maybe it's because I was the only one walking alone. X.x
It was sunday evening, so everyone wanted to party. I think I looked a little strange for them. XD

Oh, there was also a guy playing guitar! He was rather old, tired and  poor, but he sounded really great. I gave him some cash, and said, that he's really good to cheer him up a little, but I'm not sure if he heard me :(
It wasn't a good day to play outside, really.

piątek, 22 marca 2013


I've got almost all the stuff I need. Just a few more copies, and I can finally take it all to the school.
But not today. The nearest photographer is 25 minutes from my house. x.x

Why am I so lazy? T.T

No notary there :(

Well, the notary doesn't answer, when I call.
 I have a choice:
go there or stay on the net.
Yup. Goodbye studies. XD

czwartek, 21 marca 2013


New quest:
Prepare all the documents, and bring them to school. 

Not as easy as it sounds. -.-
I must go to notary to take a piece of paper, which should be given to me in my previous school x.x
I have, the photos, and the form (filled! XD)

Ok. I have to get some more photos, cause 4 is not enough x.x
Do they want to make a wallpaper out of them, or something? -.-"
Again - it's like a game XD
But here, collecting all the items doesn't guarantee any prize T.T
Gaming is much easier...

poniedziałek, 11 marca 2013


Still ill. Not bad though.
All day on Drakensang online, or others... :)

It's not supposed to be a gaming blog!
But what can I do? That's all I've been doing today. XP

Oh, I've watched "Wolverine" also!
Logan was great, but Gambit failed XD I liked the way he was acting, and stuff, but he was so not like the original one, I just couldn't bare it T.T
And I hate what the bad guys did to Wade. They totally wasted him.

From this:

To this:

Oh come on. That's no fun -.-"
Only a real monster could do this.

Ok. That's why the Marvell's stuff isn't boring... The guys are the best anyways XD
Even though they've made a deal with Disney. It sucked... The two should have never met! T.T

niedziela, 10 marca 2013

I'm ill

I knew, that all the "going outside" stuff will end like this!!! X.x

I can't even speak.

Well, time to post some stuff to my blogs. I should've done it earlier, but I'm too lazy... -.-"

I just saw a cooking program on the tv. A polish man wandering around the world, and learning local recipes.
Kinda nice thing to watch. :)
He eats many strange things XD Some of them look really interesting. I'd like to taste them *.*

środa, 6 marca 2013

Quest - go to country house, and have fun - COMPLETE! :)

Best day since... Um... Whoaa...
Nevermind. The last time was looong ago :D

I climbed my favorite tree, played with my dog (he even made me fall into a puddle of mud! XD), and had lots of fun!

The outside world is kinda cool :)

The sun was shining, and I was laying on the grass first time this year. 

It was really warm, and stuff XD

And the air smells so nice far from the capital city. <3

I can't wait to go there again. Just need a warm day :)

wtorek, 5 marca 2013

Quest - go to country house, and have fun - accepted :D

It's warm today, so I'm going with grandparents to my country house for a day. :)
No internet there. T.T I have some daily quest to do!!! Daaaamn! >.<"

But I love the country house *.*

Running through the forest like all my games characters! XDDDD
People would say I'm too old for this ^^"



Me vs strange soup - 1:0

I met my grandparents.
Grandmother made a soup. I eat soups once per 3-4 months. And now it was the strangest one I had XD
There were some noodles, beans, and... Well. I couldn't really recognize the rest. X.X"
I ate it before it could eat me x.x
It was close...

My mother must start cooking something for lunch more often, than once a week. I'm starving, really... -.-"

That's how it was

Soooo... Today I've send the documents to the school.

I can barely imagine waking up at 7 a.m. every day T.T

11-14 a.m. is more suitable for me, but parents said, they won't pay for another evening school, so my choice is: normal school, or finding some job (yeah... It's not that I didn't try -.-")

Geez... From all the years in the high school, I remember hating my life, when I had to wake up. 
It was horrible T.T
I wonder for how long will I be able to do it again... XD


I'm gonna tell you something about a typical nolife's life outside the net. o.O

After a short break, I decided to try going to some new school.
I feel kinda lonely and bored living on the net every day.

Um... Ok. Maybe not. :)
I'm just getting fat x.x

Quest: Go to school, you lazy fatass!!! - accepted